Universitas Padjadjaran, Bangor University, and National Plastic Action Partnership (NPAP) are proud to present “Virtual Seminar 2022” with theme “Marine Plastic Waste and Climate Change in Indonesia”. The objectives of this event are: The dissemination of three projects combating marine debris in Indonesia to share research outputs from previous events, including: understanding local community perception of plastic pollution for a sustainable future, coastal vulnerability to climate change and marine plastic waste and addressing Marine Litter Pathways and Climate Change in Indonesia; Knowledge sharing from Indonesia expert to tackle about marine debris; Discussion among Indonesia and UK (Bangor University) to initiate dialogue and canvass feedback on next steps and future projects.
Widodo S. Pranowo (Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere (PRIMA), National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)) is invited as one of the speaker at virtual seminar, to deliver the topic “Marine debris trajectory modeling and its verification”. The event has been held on March 28, 2022 (15.00 -17.00 WIB).